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Lamentablemente hubo un error. Por favor, inténtelo de nuevo más tarde.
Great Value For Money
Andrew206 15.05.2017
This is the first time I've purchased the T-Box brand but I've been blown away by the quality of sound from such a small system and even more impressed by the incredibly reasonable price tag. I purchased a pair of the T-Box CL106 Mk II Top's as part of a package with a single T-Box CL112 MkII Sub and actually installed it into a small local bar, where it's been used extensivly for DJ use and for small acoustic band sets, as well as the general background sound system.
I'll definitely be considering the T-Box speaker enclosures for any future purchases that I make.
Lamentablemente hubo un error. Por favor, inténtelo de nuevo más tarde.
Worth it!
Tom vG 23.10.2021
I needed a PA setup for a new pub opening, and they had a tight budget range, so I saw this speakers as a good fit (of the options that were in stock). I must say that they sound decent for the price and would go perfect with a sub to fill the low frequencies